Navigation programs ( esearch, elink, efilter, and efetch) communicate by means of a small structured message, which can be passed invisibly between operations with a Unix pipe. It supports searching by indexed terms, looking up precomputed neighbors or links, filtering results by date or category, and downloading record summaries or reports. To set the PATH for the current terminal session.ĮDirect connects to Entrez through the Entrez Programming Utilities interface. One installation is complete, run: export PATH=$/edirect If the PATH is already set correctly, or if you prefer to make any editing changes manually, just press Return. Answer 'y' and press the Return key if you want it run. The editing instructions will look something like: echo 'export PATH=\$PATH:\$HOME/edirect' > $HOME/.bash_profileĪs a convenience, the installation process ends by offering to run the PATH update command for you. It may then print an additional command for updating the PATH environment variable in the user's configuration file.
This will download a number of scripts and several precompiled programs into an 'edirect' folder in the user's home directory. To install the EDirect software, open a terminal window and execute one of the following two commands: sh -c '$(curl -fsSL )' EDirect will run on Unix and Macintosh computers, and under the Cygwin Unix-emulation environment on Windows PCs.